The Cheveron

I can't believe that it has almost been a year, but it has. I have blog making me all accountable.
So, if I must admit it, almost a year ago my, then 13yr old,
son requested a new quilt. We found a fabulous fabric
bundle at He picked it
out and then asked, "can you make it a zigzag pattern".
kehehehe I remember my silly grin as I said chevron
under my breath.  
Then life got in the way and the bundle waited.
Other things were made and the bundle,
oh so patient,
Finally, last summer I cut out the blocks and used
a method I learned at retreat from Jenny of Missouri Quilt Co.
You simply put two squares together and sew the edges,
then cut an X and whoola you have 4
HST's. She has a tutorial on her site.
I talk more of my time with these amazing women
under retreat on the side bar.
So anyway, last Saturday I finished this top at midnight. YAY
My sweet, now 14yr old, requested minky for the back and
I hope to pick that up this weekend.
I am sure I will finish it next winter week.
I am particularly talented at starting a quilt and then
not finishing for a year or two later. Am I the only one with this
amazing skill set?


GardenOfDaisies said…
Your son's zigzag quilt is amazing. Love the colors. Sadly, I must admit that I have way too many ufo's. And some of them are more than just a couple of years old. I am soooo bad.
Jessica Hadden said…
Oh, yes! Definitely, you would be the only one! NOT! Love this quilt!
Glinda ♥ said…
Bless! I like to start and finish quite quickly (don't hate me!) but I envy people with lots of UFOs cos you get to play with way more fabric and patterns! This is a cute quilt which will just get lovelier when finished - whenever that may be :)
Yay for you for finishing the top! I believe I currently have at least three quilts that have all the fabric cut and are just waiting to be assembled. Cutting is my least favorite part; sewing my most fav. So...what's the hold up? Just a special skill set, I suppose...
Kathryn said…
Great quilt! I have so many unfinished projects its ridiculous. :)

Love the pattern!