Coffee and Gnomes


My birthday was at the beginning of the month. It was one of the most fun
birthdays I have ever had and it came with a week's worth of surprises and treats.
My epic birthday was perfectly concluded with a package from my sister
containing 3 really fun prints from "Gnome Living" by Robert Kaufman.
I just love them. The Gnomes are really adorable and I already have
a project planned for them.
I also got a great surprise box from this awesome girl during my
birthday week. Look at all the goodies
she sent! That is real vanilla beans
in what looks like a cigar tube. Phone picture...sorry.
I can't tell you how fun this was to open.
She also did an awesome shout
and for
an order that I did for her pre- Christmas.
above picture by Tricia @
The rectangle on the left is a lavender hot/cold pack.
There are more pictures on her Blog.
She does amazing photography work and is a stellar person.
You should check her out!


Marlynne said…
What fun Birthday Gifts! Mine is the first part of next month. I like to make the celebrating last as long as I can!
Carla said…
Hope you are enjoying your goodies : )
Looks lovely! :)
Greetings from Finland!
Hugs, Ulla
Jessica Hadden said…
I love birthday treats! Mine was Jan 4 and I am still celebrating! ;)
Vera said…
A bit late but Happy Bday! Great addition.
Anonymous said…
Love the gnomes! What a great birthday!