
Before I started my cleaning frenzy yesterday I finished this little runner using scraps from my Christmas projects.

The pink fabric that is smiling at you is all that is left of one of my favorite pieces of fabrics. So cute and happy!

Many years ago I resolved not to make anymore resolutions. What? Cop-out? Umm yeah I know it is but it absolves me of failing. Puts a positive twist on things, Yes?

So what I do is have 'hopes' things I hope to do. With all the traditional hopes like loose a few pounds and continue my organizing dreams, are my crafty goals. My main hope this year is to bind 4 quilts that are lounging around in my sewing space. They have been so patient with me but I don't like binding, I try, I really do.

It not so much the actual binding I dislike- its the prep- the cutting of the strips, sewing them together, precisely ironing the long joined strips and then attaching it to the quilts big bulky weight. The final part, the hand stitching to the back of the quilt- that I like.

At that point I can see the end, I like the weight and warmth of the quilt on my lap, the relaxing rhythm of my needle as it pierces the fabric and ices the layers together. So this year in between housework and homework, dinners and paper writing I hope to be bound to the needle, to the thread as I complete 4 quilts begging to be finished.

There I have said it or written it- it must happen now, right. Yes.

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Linda said…
Good luck getting your hopes accomplished this year! I think you have set a reasonable goal. I understand, too. The only thing I really like about binding is the fact that it is the last step and that means I can move on to the next project when I am done. LOL