So - I have two rescued dogs and now a stack of rescued books. Our school library was weeding out old books. Far be it from me to leave a stray anything, besides look at the illustrations in Faint George.
Then I just had to know the Party ABC's, do not be surprised if one of these days you receive an invitation from Sewing Sally, complete with buttons sewn to the corners-as advised in the book. It also reminds you of the fun of drinking ginger ale through a colored straw- which I personally think makes it taste better.
You may sew or crochet or embroider
or knit.
You may patch, darn or mend or
just chatter and sit.
You may sew a fine seam or make
a dress fit.
whatever you do, please come and
do it.
or knit.
You may patch, darn or mend or
just chatter and sit.
You may sew a fine seam or make
a dress fit.
whatever you do, please come and
do it.