A few finished things or almost

Ah, let’s try this again. I lost an entire post minutes ago and it was really good, full of wit and humor. No way will I be able to duplicate that one. ha

Last July I made three fairies similar to the ones pictured, however none are ever alike. They seem to take on their own little personalities as they evolve. I took them to our family reunion, my cousin fell in love with them, and they were sold. A month later, my aunt called and requested three for herself so here they are. I still have to create their twig swing so they have a resting place. They need a lot of rest I can attest to that. They seem to be very shy as I had a bugger of a time photographing them. I am sure it is their shyness not my photography skills. Right. (I will keep telling myself that)

This is an old spice rack that I acquired when we cleaned out my mother's house last summer. I was not sure what to do with it for a long time. I finally decided to use it in my sewing room to hold thread and other little things. I am quit pleased with how it turned out.

Now I must do some cleaning and filling of an order for buttons. Plus, I have a book that I can't wait to crawl back into.


Anonymous said…
Those fairies are so sweet. We are big believers in fairies of all kinds here.
Natasha said…
Thanks so much for your kind words, they are so much fun to make!!