Has anyone made this? I have and thought I would make it again. I would love to share the starter with you but since I cannot put it through my hard drive -I hear that is not a good idea- I thought I would share the recipe link. This is a great bread and there are so many ways you can bake it up:: poppy seed, chocolate, banana. Plus, -as an added bonus- once the initial ten days are up you will always have it on hand to make a loaf when un-expected guests show up. Then you share it with friends and neighbors. Here is a little more information to help explain the starter for anyone who had never done this. Let me know if anyone wants to join me!
Now you've got me going again though.
Craft blogs certainly know how to fill up anyone's list of "to do's".
I'm sooo loving it! You gotta make more and sell them girl! Great job!